ACT NOW to support fair pay and integrated employment for disabled people!

Photo of microphone with blurred background

This year, we’ve worked together to push for the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA) to pass. TCIEA (bill number H.R.1263) gives states and employers help to move disabled employees from sheltered workshops to competitive integrated employment opportunities. Competitive integrated employment (CIE) means a job where disabled people are paid a fair wage and work with nondisabled people. To learn more about TCIEA, read this guide.

Right now, there are two groups of legislators making decisions about TCIEA. In the House, the group of legislators making decisions about TCIEA is called the House Education & Workforce Committee. In the Senate, the group of legislators making decisions about TCIEA is called the Senate House, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee). 

An important way we can push these two committees to pass TCIEA is by contacting the leaders of each committee. The leaders of the House Education & Workforce Committee are Representative Foxx and Representative Scott. The leaders of the Senate House, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP Committee) are Senator Sanders and Senator Cassidy.

You can call or email these leaders to tell them you want TCIEA to pass this year. We encourage people to make phone calls if it is accessible for you, because emails are easy to ignore. We recommend starting with the Committee phone numbers. If no one answers the phone when you call the Committee phone numbers, then call the Senators/Representatives’ Office numbers. Here are the email addresses and phone numbers to contact:

Senate HELP Committee Phone Number: (202) 224-5375

House Education and Workforce Committee Phone Number: (202)-225-4527

Senator Sanders’ Office Number: (202)-224-5141

Email Senator Sanders’ Staff:

Senator Cassidy’s Office Number: (202) 224-5824

Email Senator Cassidy’s Staff:

Representative Scott’s Office Number: (202) 225-8351

Email Representative Scott’s Staff:

Representative Foxx’s Office Number: (202) 225-2071

Email Representative Foxx’s Staff:

Here is a script you can use to help you know what to say on your phone call or in your email:

“My name is [your full name]. I’m calling to ask Representative/Senator [Foxx/Scott/Sanders/Cassidy] to add the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act, or TCIEA, back into the final workforce and apprenticeship package and pass it this session. 

TCIEA would give states and businesses the resources they need to provide good jobs for disabled people so that we can earn more money and be more independent. When states switch from subminimum wage to fairly paid jobs in the community, more disabled people get jobs. 

Disabled people want to work, and TCIEA would help us meet that goal. I would like to ask Representative/Senator [Foxx/Scott/Sanders/Cassidy] to include TCIEA in the final workforce and apprenticeship package and ensure its passage this congressional session.”

You have the power to demand equal pay and integrated employment for our community. Speaking with elected representatives shows them that this issue matters to people. This is critical to making them take action. Your input can make a huge impact for disabled workers — take action NOW and tell congressional leaders to pass TCIEA today!