Delta COVID-19 Variant Fact Sheet

COVID-19 keeps changing, but one thing that remains the same is the need for accessible information about what we can do to keep safe. There are now COVID-19 variants, or different kinds of the COVID-19 virus. The Delta variant can spread more easily than the original virus, which is dangerous. That’s why we have released this video and fact sheet about the COVID-19 Delta variant and other variants. This video answers questions like:

  • What is the Delta variant?
  • Will there be other variants?
  • What is a breakthrough case?
  • Does the vaccine still keep me safe?
  • Why do things keep changing?

And more!

This resource focuses on the Delta variant, but also talks about other variants. The variants are here to stay, so this information is still important.

We also have a factsheet about the Delta Variant. You can download it in English here. You can download it in Spanish here.

You can find all of our accessible COVID-19 materials here.

We hope that by learning more about the COVID-19 variants and sharing these resources, everyone can do their part to beat the virus and keep our community safe.

You can watch the video in English here:

You can watch the video in Spanish here: