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Closeup Of People Holding Candle Vigil In Dark Seeking Hope

Find your local Day of Mourning vigil site

…TC Denome, Long Beach, CA Christana Koch, Merced, CA Megan Lambert, Napa, CA Espi, Port Hueneme, CA Karen Reilly, San Francisco, CA George Fuller,

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Who We Are

…policy analyst on Senator Tom Harkin’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee staff. In 2012, Zoe created the annual Disability Day of Mourning vigil, a national, cross-disability event which commemorates…

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starry sky at night

🪐ASAN May Update 🪐

…Drug Administration (FDA) announced a proposed rule to ban electrical stimulation devices for self-injurious or aggressive behavior, and they asked for public comments on the rule. ASAN submitted comments encouraging…

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October 2012 Newsletter

…important to remember: “community” and “allies.” While Autistic people bear the brunt of society’s harmful misunderstandings of and negative attitudes toward Autism, we are–like all people–members of various communities. We…

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January 2013 Newsletter

…adults and those with other developmental disabilities, the ACA expands Medicaid coverage for comprehensive community-based personal attendant services in addition to strengthening and incentivizing coverage for home and community based…

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