Your Vote Counts: A Self-Advocate’s Guide to Voting in the U.S.
…a glossary of all the words used in the toolkit, and a section about voting laws in every state. The Easy Read version uses pictures along with large text, and…
…a glossary of all the words used in the toolkit, and a section about voting laws in every state. The Easy Read version uses pictures along with large text, and…
…TCEA. You can use this sample text for tweets and posts: Expand to see tweets [if one of your members of Congress supports TCEA:] Write an op-ed or letter to…
…separate glossary with all of the terms from every section.The Easy Read version uses pictures along with larger text, and has more white space. A Plain Language Version for either…
…The Easy Read version uses pictures along with larger text, and has more white space. A Plain Language Version for either those with vision-related disabilities or those who would prefer…
…Easy Read version uses pictures along with larger text, and has more white space. A Plain Language Version for either those with vision-related disabilities or those who would prefer a…
…“Crisis in our Communities: Racial Disparities in Community Living” is available in two versions: an Easy Read edition that uses pictures and large text a Plain Language version without accompanying…
…pictures along with text, and has more white space. A Plain Language Version for either those with vision-related disabilities or those who would prefer a version without accompanying graphics. The…
…for MFP by passing a bipartisan bill called the EMPOWER Care Act – and their best opportunity to do that is to include it in the Omnibus Spending Bill this…
…to Facilitate Autistic Student Success in Higher Education “The Best Outcome We’ve Had”: Key Themes From A Self-Advocate Summit On Community Living Make Real Change On Gun Violence: Stop Scapegoating…
…my voice with that of other autistic leaders that I respect and admire as we seek a better future (and present) for autistic people. I believe that all of the…