New ASAN resource on starting a nonprofit

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The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is proud to announce the release of a new technical assistance document Starting a Non-Profit is Like Having a Baby: 8 Questions Your Group Should Ask Before Starting a Non-Profit.

Many self advocacy organizations want to become formalized non-profits recognized by the state and local government. Being a formal nonprofit gives groups more credibility, and allows them to have full autonomy over their decision-making process. At the same time, running a non-profit requires a lot of responsibility that running a project or group does not. We encourage groups to come together to make sure they have all the information so they can make fully informed decisions.

ASAN’s Starting a Nonprofit Guide offers questions that every group should consider before becoming a non-profit. If organizations in CA, OR, MT, and WA decide they want to become a non-profit, they may be eligible to receive technical support from ASAN.

To check out our new resource, click here.

This document was created as a part of ASAN’s Pacific Alliance on Disability Self Advocacy (PADSA) with support from the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Pacific Alliance supports self advocacy groups in Oregon, Washington, California and Montana in increasing their ability to organize and advocate in their state and local communities.