Action Alert: URGENT #StopTheShock Phone Action — Call Now!

a person holding a sign that says Stop the Shocks

UPDATE: Yesterday (June 11th), the House Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies subcommittee passed a draft bill. If this bill becomes law, it would stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from banning the electric shock devices used at the Judge Rotenberg Center. You can read more about the draft bill in our action alert below. We thank Representatives Bishop and DeLauro, whose remarks yesterday specifically opposed this dangerous bill rider.

There is no need to take the actions listed on this action alert right now. The next committee to vote on the draft bill will be the full House Appropriations Committee. They will vote on the bill on July 10th. So, the next step is for all of us to spend the next month telling the House Appropriations Committee how important this issue is. Look out for a new Action Alert from ASAN coming soon. We will let you know how to take action to stop the bill at the next step. Together, we can still #StopTheShock!


Our best chance to #StopTheShock is in danger. Some House Representatives are pushing for a new bill. This bill would make it so the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can’t ban devices like the one used to torture disabled people at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC). 

For years, our community has been advocating to the FDA about the need for a ban. This new bill would make it so the FDA can’t make that ban. That’s why we have to advocate to the House of Representatives. The House makes important choices about the bill TODAY, so we don’t have much time. We have to show them that we won’t let the JRC keep torturing people. 

The new bill is called the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. The bill is supposed to tell the FDA and other Federal agencies what their budget is, and how they can spend the money. The House wants to add a new part to the bill, called a rider. The rider that says the FDA cannot ban a device that is used by court order. But all of the electric shock devices used at the JRC are from a court order. That means that this rider would stop the FDA from banning these devices. This bill would take the power away from the FDA. That is not fair to the disability advocates who have worked with the FDA for many years to #StopTheShock.

There is a smaller part of the government called the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies subcommittee. They are the ones who decide what goes into the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. TONIGHT, they will decide what parts will stay in the bill. They think they don’t have to listen to our advocacy. They’re trying to sneak in the rider without us noticing. We can’t let them! 

Make a phone call today to help #StopThe Shock. Now is the time to act!

Below, we have a list of who is on the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies subcommittee. If your Representative is not on the subcommittee, call the subcommittee staff leads. Their contact information is:

Pam Miller (202-225-2638) and 

Martha Foley (202-225-3481).

You can use this script to plan what you will say:

My name is [your full name], and I am from [your city]. I am a constituent of Representative [Name]. I’m calling to oppose Section 722 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This rider takes away the FDA’s ability to ban the use of electric skin shock for behavior modification. Only one institution in the country still uses electric shocks this way, and the UN found the practice to be torture in 2013. The FDA’s proposed rule to ban the devices this year received hundreds of public comments in support of the ban, and this bill would take that decision away. The House must make sure the people they represent are heard. Please do whatever you can to get this rider removed!

If your Representative is on the subcommittee, you can call their office. Here are their names and phone numbers:

  • Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) – Chair: (202) 225-5311
  • Rep. David Valadao (R-CA): (202) 225-4695
  • Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI): (202) 225-3561
  • Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA): (202) 225-5816
  • Rep. Julia Letlow (R-LA): (202) 225-8490
  • Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA): (202) 225-5431
  • Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA): (202) 225-2911
  • Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL): (202) 225-4931
  • Rep. Scott Franklin (R-FL): (202) 225-1252
  • Rep. Sanford Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) – Ranking Member: (202) 225-3631
  • Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME): (202) 225-6116
  • Rep. Lauren Underwood (D-IL): (202) 225-2976
  • Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH): (202) 225-4146
  • Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA): (202) 225-2661
  • Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL): (202) 225-7931

You can use this script to plan what you will say:

My name is [your full name], and I am from [your city]. I am a constituent of Representative [Name]. I’m calling to ask Representative [Name] to oppose Section 722 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This rider takes away the FDA’s ability to ban the use of electric skin shock for behavior modification. Only one institution in the country still uses electric shocks this way, and the UN found the practice to be torture in 2013. The FDA’s proposed rule to ban the devices this year received hundreds of public comments in support of the ban, and this bill would take that decision away. The House must make sure the people they represent are heard. Can I count on Representative [Name] to oppose this rider?

If you need help calling, we can help! Comment with your name + the Representative you want contacted here. Ask for someone to call on your behalf. It is very important that we call TODAY.

Once you’re done calling, you can email using our tool here. If your Representative is on the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration subcommittee, you can email their office. If your Representative is not on this subcommittee, you can email the subcommittee staff leads. Our tool will automatically email the right people for you. Then, get the word out by sharing on social media!

Our community can’t wait — we must stop people from being tortured with shocks. Your advocacy will make sure we #StopTheShock for good. Thank you for taking action today!