CALLS NEEDED – Congress votes on ACA repeal TODAY!

sign saying health care is a human right

Congress is rushing the ACA repeal bill to a vote TODAY. Some last-minute changes have gotten them closer to having the votes they need to pass this devastating bill. Congress knows that what this bill does is wrong–and they want to pass it anyway. But they’re scared of you, and they’re rushing this bill through the House to give you less time to make your voice heard. Make sure your Representative hears from you today – tell them to vote NO on ACA repeal.

No amount of backroom wheeling and dealing can change the fact that this bill will:

  • Leave 24 million people without health insurance
  • Eliminate $880 billion in Medicaid funding
  • Allow insurance companies to deny you coverage because of your disability
  • Allow insurers to charge you more money for worse health coverage
  • Allow insurers to stop providing essential health benefits like emergency services, medications, and hospital visits.

There’s still time to fight back – call your Representative TODAY. You can find your Representative’s contact information by entering your ZIP code at If you don’t speak, you can call using your AAC device, or get a friend to call in and read your message. No matter how you do it, your call is critical right now. Here’s a script you can use:

Script for calling your Representative
My name is [your full name]. I’m a constituent of Representative [Name], and I live in [your town]. I’m calling to ask the Representative to vote NO on repealing the Affordable Care Act. This bill would take lifesaving health coverage away from your constituents, and it would destroy funding for Medicaid services that people depend on to live in the community. Eliminating the essential health benefits and allowing insurance companies to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions will be have a huge negative impact on the lives of people with disabilities like [me/ my family member/ my friends]. We’re counting on you to do the right thing. Please vote NO on the repeal.

Need help understanding what the ACA repeal does? You can read about how it would change the ACA and Medicaid in our plain-language toolkits. This is a dangerous bill, and every time Congress updates it they make it more devastating for our community. We’ve stopped it before, and we can stop it again – but only if we fight just as hard as we did before. Make sure your Representative gets the message – Nothing About Us, Without Us!