Mail-in voters, the deadline approaches!

an I Voted sticker

Planning to vote by mail this year? Now’s the time to fill out your ballot and send it in! Voting is a great way to make sure your voice is heard, and the issues that matter to you are addressed. Take the time to send in your ballot today!

Confused about how to vote by mail? Check out our resource “How to Vote by Mail!” This resource gives an overview of how voting by mail works and answers lots of the questions you might have about voting by mail. This guide applies broadly to every state, no matter where you live! It’s a great way to learn the ins and outs of voting by mail. 

If you haven’t requested your absentee ballot yet, we’ve got you covered here. There’s still time to request and send in your absentee ballot, but don’t wait—state deadlines are approaching fast, and it’s important to send in your ballot as early as possible.Feeling overwhelmed about voting? Not sure how to request your ballot? Want to learn more about voting-by-mail? Check out our voting resources and make your plan to vote! And remember—you have the power to make your community a better place for all people with disabilities. Use your vote!