Join Us! June 18th Advocacy 101 Webinar

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Are you interested in advocating on issues that matter to you and your community? Do you want to get involved in community organizing and policy advocacy, but are unsure where to start? Join us for an Advocacy 101 webinar on June 18th from 4-6:30 PM ET!

This webinar is perfect for people who are interested in getting involved with advocacy work. The first hour of the webinar will cover the basics of systems advocacy work. We will talk about how different kinds of laws and policies can impact disabled people. We will also talk about how everyone can play a part in solving big problems that impact disabled people. 

In the second hour of the webinar, participants can choose to attend a breakout session about either Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy OR Building Sustainable Organizing Communities. Participants will be able to watch recordings of both sessions after the webinar is over. 

The session on Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy will teach participants how to engage with local, state, and federal government representatives. If you are interested in learning how to impact bills and regulations, this is the session for you. The session on Building Sustainable Organizing Communities will focus on how to collaborate with other people on your advocacy work. If you want to learn how to get other people interested in your advocacy work and how to make your organizing efforts accessible, attend this session! We will use examples from our Proud and Supported Resources in this part of the webinar.

Register here to attend the webinar. If you have any questions or need help with the registration form, please email Jules Good, Programs Coordinator, at . We look forward to seeing you there!