HHS, under the direction of RFK Jr., has hired known conspiracy theorist and quack David Geier to run a planned study which will investigate the thoroughly disproven idea of a link between childhood vaccinations and autism. David Geier and his father Mark have a scandalous past of subjecting autistic children to unproven medical treatments for their own financial gain. They have published multiple fake studies claiming a link between vaccines and autism. Hiring David Geier is a clear indication that the Trump administration plans to rig the upcoming study and claim that it proves vaccines cause autism. This will set public health back decades at a time when vaccine hesitancy and infectious disease are both spreading at alarming rates. This plan will harm autistic people and the health of all Americans. We urge members of Congress to demand accountability from HHS for this dangerous and destructive decision.
Fake studies
In papers that one public health researcher described as “riddled with basic flaws,” David Geier and his father Mark Geier have repeatedly claimed that there is a link between vaccines and autism. The Geiers, who have profited from promoting junk science about vaccines and autism to both courts and patients, did not declare all of their financial conflicts of interest in their papers. For one of their “studies,” rather than seeking approval from an institutional review board (IRB) the Geiers simply created their own “sham” IRB made up of their family members and business associates. This and other issues led to the paper being withdrawn by the journal.
There is every reason to believe that in his role at HHS, David Geier will continue to do what he has always done: use flawed and unethical methodology to ensure the result that will benefit him the most.
Fake cures
The Geiers argued that autism was caused by mercury poisoning from vaccines, a lie that has been disproven again and again. They said that the “mercury” raised testosterone levels in autistic children. They claimed that the solution was lowering testosterone in autistic children with high doses of the prostate cancer drug Lupron, with Mark Geier claiming that “Lupron is the miracle drug” for autism. Lupron did nothing to help the many autistic children whose families were duped by the Geiers. It can, however, cause serious side effects including pain and osteoporosis. The Geiers charged families $5,000 to $6,000 a month (in 2009) for Lupron “treatments”.
Because of this fake “cure”, Mark Geier’s medical license was revoked in 9 states. David Geier, who has no medical degree, was fined for practicing medicine without a license. Anyone who would fleece families with fake cures should not be trusted to interpret a scientific study, let alone conduct one.
Real consequences
Vaccines save lives. Vaccine hesitancy leads to deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases. By even announcing that they will study a disproven link between vaccines and autism, the Trump administration will further erode public confidence that vaccines are safe and effective. If David Geier is allowed to cherry-pick the study’s “results,” even fewer families will choose to vaccinate their children.
The news of Geier’s new role comes at a time when measles is spreading across the country, uptake of COVID vaccines is low, and avian flu threatens to become a pandemic. If vaccine levels continue to drop, we could see the resurgence of yet more infectious diseases. This could cause hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths and serious injuries, and force disabled and immunocompromised people out of public life.
The Trump administration is cutting research funding across the board, including for studies on autism. Millions of dollars to help autistic students find careers in STEM were cut, as was research on making autism diagnosis practices better (ASAN was a partner on that study). This administration is not interested in expanding autism research to address the most critical quality-of-life issues facing autistic people. Instead, they choose to spend taxpayer money paying a con artist to rig a vaccine “study.”
In hiring David Geier, the Trump administration has abandoned its responsibility to safeguard public health and promote science. This move towards conspiracy theories and junk science puts all our lives at risk. We deserve better from our government. ASAN will do all we can to oppose this planned “study,” and will let you know if there are opportunities for action.