ACTION ALERT: National Call-In Day for #ABLEAgeNow
For the past 5 years, ABLE accounts have helped people with disabilities across the country save money without jeopardizing access to Medicaid home and community-based…
For the past 5 years, ABLE accounts have helped people with disabilities across the country save money without jeopardizing access to Medicaid home and community-based…
This summer, you put in the work to pass the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act. Thanks to your advocacy, we’ve seen new cosponsors signing on…
When she was young, Laura worked in a sheltered workshop. She was paid eight cents an hour doing contract work. Nicki faced discrimination at work….
August is a Congressional recess, a time when our elected officials head home to meet with constituents. This is a great time to personally reach…
People with disabilities live better lives when we are included in our local communities. That’s just as true when it comes to work as it…
UPDATE: The comment period has been extended to June 21st! We now have more time to combat the subminimum wage. Read the action alert below…
Our community has fought long and hard for our rights in the United States, and we won’t let anyone tell us that disabled people don’t…
We are being told that the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh has concluded—but the FBI has not even talked to all of the survivors who…
Yesterday was a difficult day for many of us, as we heard Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s painful, honest testimony and then saw members of the…
From the start, the Kavanaugh nomination was a threat to people with disabilities — to our inclusion, our health care, and our civil rights. Now,…
Kavanaugh doesn’t believe in people’s right to control our own bodies – he never has, and he never will. We have seen that reflected in…
Over the last month, you’ve heard from us about Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s views, and the danger his nomination poses to our community. ASAN already opposes…