ASAN Public Comment on DSM-5 ASD Criteria
Today is the last day to provide public comment to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) regarding the definition of ASD within the DSM-5, the manual…
Today is the last day to provide public comment to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) regarding the definition of ASD within the DSM-5, the manual…
Over the course of the last several months, a lot of questions have been raised about how upcoming changes to the DSM-5 definition of the…
Como organización de base pro derechos civiles de las personas con discapacidades, ASAN depende de voluntarios para ayudar con muchos aspectos de nuestro trabajo. Nuestros divisiones locales necesitan voluntarios para ayudar con proyectos comunitarios, la organización de eventos especiales, y otras actividades. También hay oportunidades en línea, como investigación y escritura. Si vive cerca de una división local o no, ¡hay muchas maneras de involucrarse con ASAN como voluntari@!
Over $1 billion has been spent over the course of the last decade on autism research funding. During a time of constant budget cuts and…
by Ian Ford We have come a long way, right? We used to be called idiots and lunatics. Now we are referred to as individuals…
Greetings and Happy April 2012! The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is celebrating Autism Acceptance Month by posting essays in the blog section of our website…
Most of you received Zoe’s moving e-mail message last week, announcing March 30th as a national day of mourning for George Hodgins, Tracy Latimer and…
By Zoe Gross. On March 6th, 2012 George Hodgins, a 22-year old autistic man living in Sunnyvale, California, was murdered by his mother. This past Friday, I helped organize a vigil for George and other disabled people killed by their family members. We’re calling for volunteers to organize vigils in their local communities on or around March 30th.
We did it! After 80 days, several interviews, too many tumblr posts, an ambitious blog carnival, hundreds of shared facebook updates and tweets, thousands of emails to families, friends, coworkers, and arch-nemeses, and a constant, concerted effort by the Autistic community
Empowerment is when you have gained the confidence in yourself to have the light bulb go on in your head. You realize you can take…
The Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has proposed new regulations strengthening Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires federal contractors to engage in affirmative action to hire people with disabilities. We need you to speak up in support!