
Fact Sheet: Cafe Press and Autism Speaks

Cafe Press and Autism Speaks: ASAN has compiled a fact sheet on Cafe Press’ controversial decision to donate 10% of all sales of autism-related products to Autism Speaks, without giving its vendors the choice to opt out.

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Autism Acceptance Day

ASAN staffer Paula C. Durbin-Westby and ASAN Board Member Melanie Yergeau gave an interview in which they explained why it’s important to start off April with an acceptance message. Understanding and acceptance are vital to bringing about a world in which Autistic citizens are equal members of society.

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To Old Friends and Family

An essay by Melody Latimer. When I speak of Autism, please know I love your support and understanding. When I speak of my Autistic children, please know I understand them very well because I’ve been diagnosed myself. When I speak of the current state of things, please know I am happy with my life and my children, but know there’s already room for improvement.

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New Federal Funds for Community Living

Community Living Funds Increased: The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has announced that significant new federal support will be provided for community-based alternatives to institutional long-term care for Medicaid recipients.

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Reflections on Autistics Speaking Day

An essay by Ari Ne’eman. With a puzzle piece, a ribbon, a donation, or a Facebook or Twitter app, an average citizen does their duty, checks the autism box on their charitable instincts and moves on, never having to talk to, experience, work, live, learn with or otherwise acknowledge those Autistics they pass by every day.

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CNN Newsroom Interview

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman appeared as a guest on CNN Newsroom to discuss his appointment to the National Council on Disability. Read the transcript by clicking…

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