Law & Justice

ASAN works on policies and laws that affect autistic people and people with other disabilities. There are laws that protect our rights as people with disabilities. We work to make sure these laws are enforced fairly and people have their rights respected. But the legal system is often not fair to disabled people, especially disabled people of color. As we fight for our rights, we must also fight to change the way the legal system treats people.


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Action Alert: Call-In Days To #StopTheShock

On June 11th, section 722 of the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act passed at the subcommittee level. If this rider goes into effect, it would stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from banning the electric shock devices used at the Judge Rotenberg Center. Check out our plain…

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Action Alert: Call Now to #StopTheShock!

Last week, we wrote to you about a bill that was being voted on in a subcommittee of the House of Representatives. The bill is the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Some Members of Congress added a new section to the bill, Section 722. If this bill becomes…

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starry sky at night

🪐ASAN May Update 🪐

ASAN May Newsletter Dear friend, This month saw a total solar eclipse, some of the strongest auroras in centuries, and plenty of policy work fighting for our community’s rights! Check out what we’ve been working on this month and the opportunities ahead! This month, we had the opportunity to #StopTheShock at the Judge Rotenberg Center…

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