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Disability Community Day of Mourning

…for Vigil Site Coordinators here. We’ve also launched, a memorial to the people with disabilities who were victims of filicide. Active cataloging of cases started in mid-2014; the site

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photo of Ari Ne'eman

New Look, Same Values.

…we’re kicking things off with a bang. In honor of Autism Acceptance Month – an Autistic community answer to unsatisfactory and often offensive “awareness” efforts – we will be running…

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A woman holding a sign that says "The Loud Hands Project"

Loud Hands Project Update

…and arch-nemeses, and a constant, concerted effort by the Autistic community to keep the momentum rolling and the energy building, fundraising for the Loud Hands Project’s first anthology and website

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ASAN Comments on Organ Procurement and Transplantation RFI

…in Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, available at 12 See, e.g., 72 Fed. Reg. at 15278 (“Transplant centers must implement written transplant…

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May 2012 Newsletter

…to the manual and how to submit your comments on them. Comments will be accepted through June 15, 2012. Read ASAN’s Talking Points on DSM-5. Autism Acceptance Celebrations Autism Acceptance…

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2020 Gala Speakers & Awardees

…and ensuring elections security concerns are balanced with federal mandates to making voting accessible for all. She has also been leading NDRN’s effort to include more plain language and Easy…

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