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ducks on a lake surrounded by snow

❄️ASAN January Update ❄️

…Update: Disability Response to CDC Director IACC Comments for 1/19/22 Meeting Job Opening: Policy Director Day of Mourning Vigil Coordinator Sign-Up ACI Applications Now Open!          …

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a person holding a sign that says Stop the Shocks

ASAN, 243 Other Orgs Urge FDA to #StopTheShock

…Bluesky Enterprises, Inc. Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council Community Connections, Inc. Community Link Community Options, Inc. Community Outreach Community Systems, Inc. The Coordinating Center The Council of Parent…

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the Department of Transportation logo

ASAN Praises New Air Travel Guidance

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network praises the Department of Transportation for its newly issued authoritative guide for air travelers who have developmental disabilities, airlines, and airline staff. The guidelines clearly…

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