ASAN Calls for Justice in Marcus Abrams Case
…also been reported to be victims of police injustice. Protesters in Minneapolis/St. Paul took to chanting “Autism is Not A Crime” about this incident, and we agree. Autism is not…
…also been reported to be victims of police injustice. Protesters in Minneapolis/St. Paul took to chanting “Autism is Not A Crime” about this incident, and we agree. Autism is not…
Very little money donated to Autism Speaks goes toward helping autistic people and families….
Very little money donated to Autism Speaks goes toward helping autistic people and families….
…Salt Lake City, UT “Utah group to remember JJ Vallow, other disabled victims of filicide in online vigil Monday” Twitch Unmasking Autism: Disability Day Of Mourning – UnmaskingAutism on Twitch…
…30th, to share your ideas for autism research with the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee! The IACC is currently accepting comments on its strategic plan, asking for your thoughts on the…
…the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access,…
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is disappointed but not surprised by the White House’s continued participation in Autism Speaks’ “Light It Up Blue” campaign. If the Trump administration truly wanted…
…to get the support they need in schools. ASAN Toolkits and Resources on Education Rights Autism and Safety Toolkit Navigating College: A Handbook on Self Advocacy Roadmap to Transition: A…
…on it. I care about the Harriet McBryde Johnson award because it acknowledges an important truth about disability advocacy, particularly autism advocacy: The stories we tell matter. A vital part…
…These factors are properly understood as issues of accessibility and bodily autonomy, not symptoms of autism or other developmental disabilities or “behaviors” to be managed. They have both acute and…