January 2012 Newsletter
…Year Anniversary Celebration and our Symposium on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Autism Research, launched exciting new projects around higher education and health care and continued to deepen our…
…Year Anniversary Celebration and our Symposium on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Autism Research, launched exciting new projects around higher education and health care and continued to deepen our…
…allocation of autism research funding. According to the Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC), the vast majority of NIH funding for autism research goes to investigating the biology and causation…
…the International Society for Autism Research, or INSAR, holds a big international meeting. Autism researchers from all over the world come to present their findings. Most of the research featured…
…the autism spectrum, regardless of age, background or status in other under-represented groups. Sincerely, Ari Ne’eman President of Autistic Self Advocacy Network aneeman@autisticadvocacy.org Scott Badesch President of Autism Society sbadesch@autism-society.org…
…language is Spanish experienced difficulty being assessed with autism by predominantly English-speaking and white clinical professionals, and few received autism screenings in Spanish (Zuckerman et al. 2013), demonstrating that the…
…throughout the year. Additional Links: The Autism Acceptance Project: http://www.taaproject.com Autism Acceptance Day Blog: http://autismacceptanceday.blogspot.com Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/109054042508075/#!/groups/109054042508075 Facebook Community: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Autism-Acceptance-Day/301079916622195 Facebook 2012 Event: http://www.facebook.com/groups/109054042508075/#!/events/307262445978535 Video: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/autism-womens-network/2011/04/01/autism-acceptance-day News Article: http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2011/04/01/not-everyone-awareness/12761…
…about autism issues, we adults who are ourselves on the autism spectrum know the issues and needs that face our population better than anyone. To set policy on our futures…
…diagnosis. Whether Adam Lanza was on the autism spectrum or not, ASAN and the Autistic community emphasize that autism does not make individuals more prone to violence, and in fact…
Today, the new membership of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) was announced. The IACC is a committee that advises the federal government on autism issues and oversees federal autism…
…Autism Acceptance Month began, the autistic community has made a tremendous cultural impact in terms of how our society views autism. But autism research has lagged behind. The research agenda…