ASAN Congratulates 2013 Champions of Change
Today at the White House, the disability community came together to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. At the celebration, 8 Champions of Change, representing the…
Today at the White House, the disability community came together to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. At the celebration, 8 Champions of Change, representing the…
…the new President-elect, including deep cuts in the Medicaid funding that sustains the vast majority of supports to people with disabilities. Yesterday, we learned that President-elect Trump will be appointing…
…this year, you’ve seen how your continued support keeps our organization going. We’ve sent you updates about our events and campaigns, urgent action alerts, new resources, and plenty of information…
…University of Maryland Libraries, nedelina@umd.edu MASSACHUSETTS Weston, MA—In Person Cambridge School of Weston, riverisleib20@gmail.com MICHIGAN Ann Arbor, MI Marjorie Herbert, mgherb@umich.edu MINNESOTA Minneapolis, MN—In Person Casey Velcko, ddomtwincities@gmail.com Morris, MN—In…
…and receive services all on the same campus. Federal regulations issued last year require states to re-evaluate the settings that receive funding from Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) programs….
From the start, the Kavanaugh nomination was a threat to people with disabilities — to our inclusion, our health care, and our civil rights. Now, multiple women came forward saying…
…accessible to many more members of our community. And in the last seven years, ASAN has trained 124 advocates through theAutism Campus Inclusion (ACI) Leadership Academy (and 206 total since…
Select Category… Action Alert Announcement ASAN Activity Blog Campaign Issue News Newsletter Policy Publications Resource Statement Uncategorized Select Tag… #StopTheShock AAC ABA ACA accommodations ACI action alert active ADA allies…
…In addition, the legislation would create four IACC members appointed by Congress, risking the further politicization of federal autism policy. The addition of four IACC membership positions to be awarded…
…and get involved with our grassroots campaigns. We also have resources about accessibility. Here you can learn more about how to ensure your meetings, conferences, and more can be made…