by Katie Miller Protests exhaust me, but not in the way you might think. Granted, it is a lot of work to prepare. The night…
by Katie Miller Protests exhaust me, but not in the way you might think. Granted, it is a lot of work to prepare. The night…
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has expressed concern and disappointment over anti-vaccine activist Peter H. Bell’s appointment to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, in contrast to the forward motion the Obama administration has shown in the areas of autism and disability as a whole.
An article by Paula C. Durbin-Westby. When a person has a disability that person is still a person. That person with a disability has a body, and a mind. That person with a disability has needs, concerns, desires, a personal history, a context of family, friends, and community relations. A person who has a disability has all the legal and civil rights of personhood (or should).
Cafe Press responds to concerns: Cafe Press has agreed to allow shop owners who sell autism-related products to opt out of the April 2011 fundraiser, has created a survey asking where funds should be donated, and has informed us that it will provide a survey next year.
Cafe Press and Autism Speaks: ASAN has compiled a fact sheet on Cafe Press’ controversial decision to donate 10% of all sales of autism-related products to Autism Speaks, without giving its vendors the choice to opt out.
ASAN’s ongoing protests against Autism Speaks and condemnation of the “I Am Autism” video were discussed in a Time.com article, which also mentioned the numerous parodies…
ASAN’s protest against Autism Speaks in Washington DC on October 31, 2009, received local media coverage that included a WAMU news story and an article…
Disability Coalition Calls on Sponsors to End Support for Autism Speaks: Over 60 disability rights organizations sent a joint letter to Autism Speaks’ sponsors, stating that the use of fear, stigma, misinformation and prejudice against Autistic people as a fundraising tool does real damage to people with disabilities everywhere.
Joint Letter to be Released: More than 60 national, international, and local disability rights organizations have signed onto a letter condemning the organization Autism Speaks for exploiting those it purports to help.
ASAN President Ari Ne’eman and ASAN’s cross-disability campaign against Autism Speaks and its “I Am Autism” video were featured in articles that ran in New Scientist…
Following ASAN-Oregon’s protest against Autism Speaks on Saturday, Sept. 26th, 2009, an interview with ASAN-Oregon activist Elesia Ashkenazy was the lead story on the evening news…
ASAN’s Portland, Oregon chapter organized a protest of an Autism Speaks fundraising walk on Saturday, Sept. 26th, 2009. Watch video from Oregon TV station KPTV-12 and watch video…