ASAN Public Comment on DSM-5 ASD Criteria
Today is the last day to provide public comment to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) regarding the definition of ASD within the DSM-5, the manual…
Today is the last day to provide public comment to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) regarding the definition of ASD within the DSM-5, the manual…
Over the course of the last several months, a lot of questions have been raised about how upcoming changes to the DSM-5 definition of the…
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network applauds Secretary Sebelius and the leadership of the Department of Health and Human Services for the creation of the new…
Regulations are needed to ensure that Home and Community Based Services are not delivered on the grounds of an institution, in a housing complex designed expressly around an individual’s diagnosis or disability, or in a setting that has the characteristics of an institution.
Public Comments Needed on Home and Community Based Services. Proposed rules will ensure that Medicaid community living funds go toward keeping people in the community and not in institutions. Your comments will help make this happen.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are developing minimum standards for home and community based services settings. ASAN has prepared comments on the proposed rulemaking.
Congress Urged to Amend Autism Legislation: The Jewish Federations of North America, along with ASAN, seek amendments to the Combating Autism Act to ensure the involvement of self-advocates and to fund more research on services and the needs of adults. The JFNA Action Alert contains information on how to contact key Senators.
Press Release Opposing Autism Legislation: ASAN has issued a press release stating that an extension of the Combating Autism Act would lock in place an unacceptable status quo without services, without consideration of the needs of adults and without inclusion of self-advocates. We oppose extending the act without needed program reforms.
ACTION ALERT: Stop Extension of Flawed Autism Policy. Congress is considering legislation to extend the Combating Autism Act, which fails to provide for services and was passed without the involvement of self-advocates, for three more years. Contact your Senators today to oppose re-authorization without needed changes!
New Report on Home and Community Based Services Funding: Community living is the topic of a new report by ASAN and two other leading self-advocacy organizations, Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE), and the National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN). The report is intended to guide the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in developing new rules for funding home and community based services.
In the Charlottesville Daily Progress, Paula C. Durbin-Westby of ASAN stated her opposition to proposed budget cuts that would hurt people with disabilities.
Long Term Services and Supports Advocated: ASAN and several other disability rights organizations have sent a joint letter to Secretary Sebelius urging that the Community Choice Act, which would eliminate the institutional bias in Medicaid and enable people with disabilities to live in the community, be included in health care reform legislation.