ASAN Comments on 14(c) NPRM
These comments are available as a PDF here. Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)PO Box 66122Washington, DC 20035 January 17, 2025Submitted via regulations.gov Daniel Navarrete, DirectorDivision…
These comments are available as a PDF here. Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)PO Box 66122Washington, DC 20035 January 17, 2025Submitted via regulations.gov Daniel Navarrete, DirectorDivision…
Download this explainer as a PDF here. Listen to someone read this explainer out loud here. Words to know 14(c): A part of the Fair…
This year, we’ve worked together to push for the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA) to pass. TCIEA (bill number H.R.1263) gives states and…
Download this letter as a PDF here. October 23rd, 2024 To OMB Director Young, Acting DOL Secretary Su, and Acting DOL Director Navarrete The End…
As of now, about 39,500 disabled people are paid less than minimum wage. About 88% of that group are in segregated workplaces. Segregation is when…
Updated on 11/4/24 ASAN co-wrote and signed onto three separate letters from three separate groups: The End Subminimum Wage Coalition, Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities…
Disabled people deserve to work at the same places and for the same pay as nondisabled people. This isn’t news — but in 2024, some…
What is the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA)? *Be sure to check out our House Action Alert and Senate Action Alert about TCIEA…
ASAN July Newsletter Dear friend, July has been a busy month at ASAN, which makes sense. Our favorite way to celebrate Disability Pride Month is…
ASAN October Newsletter Dear friend, It’s the most boo-tiful time of year, but we’re still fighting some of the scariest things our community deals…
Updated 11/6 It is still legal to pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage. We need your help to change that! People with disabilities…
ASAN welcomes the announced reevaluation of the 14(c) program and calls on the Department of Labor (DOL) to completely eliminate subminimum wage for disabled people….