Register Now for 2011 Autism Summer Institute
Register Now for Autism Conference: ASAN is organizing the self-advocacy strand for the 2011 Autism Summer Institute at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability.
Register Now for Autism Conference: ASAN is organizing the self-advocacy strand for the 2011 Autism Summer Institute at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability.
An essay by Stephanie Allen Crist. Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It’s a time to look back, and remember those who have sacrificed to make this country a place to be free. Instead, I look ahead and ask myself if it is freedom that I see. There’s something on the edge of thought—a feeling to be written of that isn’t quite ready to come out, not quite ready to be exposed. Frustration is there, and so is disappointment. All swirled together with a steady, flat kind of hope.
An article by Paula C. Durbin-Westby. When a person has a disability that person is still a person. That person with a disability has a body, and a mind. That person with a disability has needs, concerns, desires, a personal history, a context of family, friends, and community relations. A person who has a disability has all the legal and civil rights of personhood (or should).
PBS NewsHour’s program about autism dismisses adults’ needs: In addressing why the Autistic community was not invited to participate, Robert MacNeil claimed that issues facing Autistic adults were not “an urgent issue” and not important enough to merit coverage. ASAN has issued a press release condemning his ignorant statements.
Cafe Press responds to concerns: Cafe Press has agreed to allow shop owners who sell autism-related products to opt out of the April 2011 fundraiser, has created a survey asking where funds should be donated, and has informed us that it will provide a survey next year.
Concerns about Upcoming PBS NewsHour Program: ASAN has released a statement expressing concern about next week’s PBS NewsHour six-part special about the autism spectrum.
Cafe Press and Autism Speaks: ASAN has compiled a fact sheet on Cafe Press’ controversial decision to donate 10% of all sales of autism-related products to Autism Speaks, without giving its vendors the choice to opt out.
Joint Letter to CDC: With the support of allied disability advocacy and professional organizations, ASAN submitted a joint letter to the CDC opposing the wandering code proposal.
ASAN staffer Paula C. Durbin-Westby and ASAN Board Member Melanie Yergeau gave an interview in which they explained why it’s important to start off April with an acceptance message. Understanding and acceptance are vital to bringing about a world in which Autistic citizens are equal members of society.
An essay by Melody Latimer. When I speak of Autism, please know I love your support and understanding. When I speak of my Autistic children, please know I understand them very well because I’ve been diagnosed myself. When I speak of the current state of things, please know I am happy with my life and my children, but know there’s already room for improvement.
FAQ on Wandering Proposal: What is the wandering code proposal and why are disability advocacy and professional organizations concerned about it?
ACTION ALERT: Stop Dangerous CDC Proposal! A proposal being considered by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), would create a new medical diagnosis for “wandering” by people with developmental disabilities. This proposal has no scientific basis and could cause many people to be abused and institutionalized.