Inclusion & Acceptance

Lead Story on Portland TV Station

Following ASAN-Oregon’s protest against Autism Speaks on Saturday, Sept. 26th, 2009, an interview with ASAN-Oregon activist Elesia Ashkenazy was the lead story on the evening news…

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Reports on Portland Protest

ASAN’s Portland, Oregon chapter organized a protest of an Autism Speaks fundraising walk on Saturday, Sept. 26th, 2009. Watch video from Oregon TV station KPTV-12 and watch video…

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Cross-Disability Campaign Featured

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman and the ASAN-led cross-disability campaign against Autism Speaks’ video “I Am Autism” were featured in an article on Disability Scoop, an online…

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ASAN-OSU Involvement Fair Activism

Student Involvement Fair: The Ohio State chapter of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network worked a table at the student involvement fair, a community event with over 500 student and community organizations, and distributed informational handouts.

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Autism Society of York Agrees to Remove Billboards

Community Works Together for Removal of Billboards: Thanks to those who wrote in and called about the kidnapped children billboard campaign, ASA-York has agreed to pull the billboards. This is a sign of the importance of working together as a community to address issues like this.

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To the Autism Society of York

Billboard Removal Requested: ASAN has contacted the Autism Society of York, Pennsylvania, expressing concern about a billboard campaign depicting Autistic children as kidnapping victims.

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White House Celebration of Disability Rights

Americans with Disabilities Act Anniversary Celebration: We’ve posted photos of this White House event, attended by ASAN President Ari Ne’eman, at which President Barack Obama signed a proclamation commemorating the ADA and the rights of people with disabilities.

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Career Choices for autistic people

An essay by Maddy McEwen. It makes for a delightful easy splot of nostalgia; ‘what will you be when you grow up?’ [We apply this to all family members on the theory that some day we adults may have different jobs!] Oh how it changes. All the usual fire fighter, super hero, artist options never see the light of day. Instead we have an eclectic collection of options, phases that they grow through. Do not allow your older children to destroy it as evidence they now find embarrassingly babyish.

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Tony Attwood Says What He Really Thinks

Attwood himself started using, and still uses, the term “Cassandra Phenomenon” and also feels quite comfortable using “affective deprivation” at the same time that he publicly pretends to distance himself from the whole concept. In addition his unprofessional talk of the partner of a person with AS “becoming Aspie- it’s an infectious process” is both inaccurate and also demeaning.

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