Inclusion & Acceptance

PETA Billboard Removed

Exploitative and Misleading Billboard Withdrawn: A billboard created by PETA misinformed the public about the autism spectrum by falsely implying that milk consumption was the cause of autism. Our community came together to communicate the need for a swift withdrawal of this ill-informed piece of advertising.

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Ignorance about Autism Discussed

ASAN’s Ari Ne’eman and Scott Michael Robertson discussed public ignorance about autism on “Meet the Peetes” on the Oprah & Friends channel (XM-156) on XM Satellite Radio…

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Early Therapy Discussed

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman commented in a story on autism and early therapy that ran in New Scientist Magazine, discussing whether earlier is indeed better.

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Address to Florida Autism Task Force on World Autism Day

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman Addresses Need for Autism Acceptance: If we as a society seek to fulfill the values we espouse, we must take practical steps to establish ourselves as a culture that respects neurological diversity in the same way that history has shown us to respect racial, religious, national and other forms of diversity. We on the autism spectrum can make significant contributions to the world around us and, with the right supports, services and education, we can and should be active and participating members of society.

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He’s so functional

An essay by Susan Etlinger. In the earliest days of Isaac’s diagnosis, there would be a certain point at which the specialist would stop and say, in a tone meant to comfort us, “but, you know, he’s very high-functioning.”

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Newsweek Article on Autism

In a Newsweek story entitled Autism: Fact and Fiction, ASAN President Ari Ne’eman discussed the neurodiversity movement and the need for greater acceptance of differences in…

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