Keynote Address on Disability Law
On Friday, April 17th, 2009 ASAN President Ari Ne’eman delivered the keynote address at the National Federation of the Blind’s Disability Law Symposium. You can listen to…
On Friday, April 17th, 2009 ASAN President Ari Ne’eman delivered the keynote address at the National Federation of the Blind’s Disability Law Symposium. You can listen to…
Debunking Myths: There are many popular myths about Autistic people that have little basis in reality. This article lists several common myths, followed by an explanation of the actual facts.
An essay by Susan Etlinger. J. and I made the decision to raise Isaac in the city early on. Both kids of the suburbs, we loved the idea of being able to walk anywhere from our front door, or hop on the bus at a moment’s notice. We loved the diversity, the parks, the energy of city life, the variety of things to do. But I can’t help feeling a little melancholy that the sounds that soothed me as a child–the hum of wildlife going about its daily business–are not available to him.
ASAN’s Scott Michael Robertson was among several autistic adults featured in Second Look: Adults With Autism: Autism Affects Every Person Differently, a 17-minute video produced by…
The filming of a national public service announcement about autism jointly produced by the Dan Marino Foundation and the Autistic Self Advocacy Network was reported on WTVF-TV in Nashville,…
ASAN’s Paula C. Durbin-Westby delivered a talk “Autism, Literature, and Popular Culture: The Curious Coincidence of Autism Metaphors Across Diverse Genres” to the Honors Program…
Exploitative and Misleading Billboard Withdrawn: A billboard created by PETA misinformed the public about the autism spectrum by falsely implying that milk consumption was the cause of autism. Our community came together to communicate the need for a swift withdrawal of this ill-informed piece of advertising.
ASAN President Ari Ne’eman appeared in a article on Sept. 18, 2008, about the use of demeaning language in the movie Tropic Thunder.
ASAN’s Ari Ne’eman and Scott Michael Robertson discussed public ignorance about autism on “Meet the Peetes” on the Oprah & Friends channel (XM-156) on XM Satellite Radio…
Ad Boycott Urged: With the support of other disability rights organizations, ASAN has issued an Action Alert urging those outraged by Michael Savage’s hateful remarks to contact the sponsors of Talk Radio Networks and the Savage Nation.
Joint Statement Calls for Ad Boycott: The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has joined with over a dozen national and regional disability rights organizations to call on the sponsors of Talk Radio Networks and the Savage Nation to pull their support.
Disability Organizations Issue Joint Letter Condemning Michael Savage’s Hate Speech: A coalition of disability rights groups denounces ignorant remarks made by talk radio host Michael Savage about autism.