Inclusion & Acceptance

Successful Response to Ransom Notes

Both the Washington Post and the New York Daily News carried stories about the success of the disability community’s response to the “Ransom Notes” ad campaign, in which ASAN’s…

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Diversity at Work

Employers can realize a significant financial gain when they are willing to be flexible in managing a diverse population of workers. When an adjustment to the workplace environment makes an employee more productive, that equation includes not just the cost (if any) of the changes that are made, but also the value of the added productivity.

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Normal Is Just A Setting On A Washing Machine

An essay by Kate Goldfield: At recess, I would sit outside on the cold, hard ground reading a book. When I did bravely venture out to the playground to go on my beloved swings, it was never with a friend. I felt like I existed in a different world from all the kids around me.

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Autistic Representation Sought in New Jersey

ASAN Urges Autistic Membership on Autism Task Force: However experienced the many experts and advocates are about autism issues, we adults who are ourselves on the autism spectrum know the issues and needs that face our population better than anyone.

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Testimony on Autism to the New Jersey Legislature

ASAN Endorses Pilot Initiative: ASAN President Ari Ne’eman presented testimony to the New Jersey Legislature in support of an initiative to provide autism services and discussed the need to ensure representation for people on the autism spectrum in public policy discussion.

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What’s An Accommodation?

An essay by Joel Smith. Often, autistic people are seen as needing “accommodation”. We need something “special” to function in society, something that is fundamentally different than the types of things non-disabled people need. But why is that? Too often, it’s a result of social expectation or presence of barriers in society.

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