
photo of a hand holding a pen over a piece of paper filled with typing

Grant reviewers needed

In response to our Symposium on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Autism Research, funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, several key federal funders have offered to work with ASAN to identify Autistic adults and other people with disabilities interested in serving on forthcoming federal grant review panels.

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Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Autism Research

Although research represents a huge component of the national conversation about autism, very little attention has been paid to the ethical issues posed by new developments in autism research and the ways in which this research is frequently conducted. ASAN has received a grant to conduct a new program

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Autism NOW Center Seeks Input

The Autism NOW National Resource and Information Center has created a survey to find out what people think about values and ethics as they relate to autism, developmental and intellectual disabilities. The survey is part of a process to create a Core Values Statement for the Autism NOW Center.

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Combating Autism Act Extension Controversy

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman gave an interview discussing ASAN’s opposition to extending the flawed Combating Autism Act, which failed to address the urgent need for services across the lifespan and did not involve self-advocates in research and planning.

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Research on Community Involvement and Experiences

Community Experiences Surveyed: Two research surveys addressing issues of community involvement and experiences in society, one by the AASPIRE Gateway Project and the other by Adena Rottenstein and other researchers at the University of Michigan, seek input from Autistic participants.

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