ASAN September Newsletter
Dear friend,
The days may be getting shorter with the transition to autumn, but our advocacy work isn’t slowing down. Take a look at what we’ve been focused on this month!
We’re excited to announce ASAN’s 2024 Virtual Gala will take place on Wednesday, October 30th! This year’s theme is Grow With Us — in recognition of our growth and a tribute to the power of our grassroots to fight for the rights of our community. Join us for an evening celebrating our community with our award ceremony recognizing the incredible work of community members, exciting panels, and a speech from ASAN’s incoming Executive Director Colin Killick! This year’s gala, as it has been since 2020, will be virtual and everyone’s welcome! We’re thrilled to share the gala with disability community members and allies from across the country and around the world, who usually wouldn’t be able to attend in-person. Make sure to get your tickets here and don’t forget to RSVP on Facebook!
Disabled people deserve to work at the same places and for the same pay as nondisabled people. This isn’t news — but in 2024, some of us are still being paid less than the minimum wage in segregated workplaces. This is called subminimum wage, and it most commonly happens in sheltered workshops. It is discrimination, and it is unacceptable. The Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA) is a bill that would give states and businesses the help they need to create competitive integrated employment opportunities for disabled people. Right now, we need your help to get more Senators to support and cosponsor TCIEA — learn how you can take action here! If you have questions or want to learn more about TCIEA, check out our helpful guide here. Together, we can increase good jobs for disabled people and end subminimum wage. It’s past time to give disabled workers integrated, equal employment.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our “Get Out the Vote with ASAN” webinar earlier this month! We talked about the basics of voting, including voting by mail. Disabled people are often overlooked when talking about how to handle discrimination at the polls. From inaccessible polling places to volunteers not knowing how to work the accessible ballot machines, there can be unique barriers to our ability to vote. Many of us have questions every step of the way. If you missed it, you can still check out the recording here. Now is also a great time to make sure you’re registered to vote, and check out our resources on voting and elections!
This season of change offers us a chance to reflect on both the challenges and victories of this year. We’re grateful to fight alongside our grassroots. Thank you for your support, and we’re excited to celebrate with you next month!
The Team at ASAN
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![]() Join us for the 2024 Annual Gala!
![]() Check out our voting and election resources