
Declaración Conjunta de ASAN y Sociedad de Autismo sobre DSM-5

Uno de los principios principales de profesión médica siempre ha sido, “Primeramente, no haz daño.” Como tal, es necessario que los criterios del DSM-5 se han estructurado en tal manera para asegurar que las personas que han calificado o que habrían calificado por un diagnóstico con el DSM-IV mantienen acceso a un diagnóstico de trastorno del espectro autista.

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Ohio State campus activity fair; person next to a table with signs about ASAN

Campus leadership training program

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network with the help of the Mitsubishi Electric American Foundation is launching a new program for Autistic college students. Participants in the Autism Campus Inclusion leadership training program will learn to effect systems change on campus and increase their skills in self-advocacy and self-help.

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A woman holding a sign that says "The Loud Hands Project"

The Loud Hands Project

The Loud Hands Project, a publishing effort by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, is working towards the creation of our first and foundational anthology and accompanying website. “Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking” features essays, long and short, by Autistic authors

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Thank You! For a Great Evening…

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s 5-Year Anniversary Celebration was a wonderful event for all who attended, including those who made the evening possible. Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters!

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A grid of multicolored squares

Personality tests investigated

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is investigating employers’ use of personality tests to screen job applicants as part of applications for employment and the broader hiring process. These tests may unfairly screen out qualified Autistic applicants and those with other hidden disabilities

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College students studying

Navigating College: A resource for Autistic college students

The Navigating College handbook is a first-of-its-kind resource written by autistic adults for autistic college students exploring the various aspects of the higher education experience. From traditional topics like classroom accommodations and dorm life to hot-button issues such as disclosure and sexuality, Navigating College provides first-person insights

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Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Autism Research

Although research represents a huge component of the national conversation about autism, very little attention has been paid to the ethical issues posed by new developments in autism research and the ways in which this research is frequently conducted. ASAN has received a grant to conduct a new program

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ASAN’s 5-Year Anniversary Celebration

The five-year anniversary of the founding of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network is right around the corner, and we’re inviting our supporters to join us for a celebration and fundraising event at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Autism NOW Center Seeks Input

The Autism NOW National Resource and Information Center has created a survey to find out what people think about values and ethics as they relate to autism, developmental and intellectual disabilities. The survey is part of a process to create a Core Values Statement for the Autism NOW Center.

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