Health Care

It can be hard for autistic people to get the health care we need. Some obstacles to getting care are not having insurance, having insurance that doesn’t cover what we need, or not being near health care providers. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made it much easier for autistic people to get good insurance. It is important to protect the progress we made. There is still so much more to do to make sure that everyone who needs health care can get it. Efforts to make health care better need to focus on strengthening, improving, or going beyond the ACA. 

Read more about health care, key laws, and our work on health care rights here.




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Beyond Coercion and Institutionalization: People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Need for Improved Behavior Support Services

What people call “behavior supports” covers a wide variety of services, and not all of these services are truly helpful to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. How can we move away from services that try to change people’s behavior without understanding what people are thinking and feeling? What would it take to create behavior…

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🪐ASAN May Update 🪐

ASAN May Newsletter Dear friend, This month saw a total solar eclipse, some of the strongest auroras in centuries, and plenty of policy work fighting for our community’s rights! Check out what we’ve been working on this month and the opportunities ahead! This month, we had the opportunity to #StopTheShock at the Judge Rotenberg Center…

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🦖ASAN April Update🦖

ASAN April Newsletter Dear friend, This month we celebrated our community — as well as our love of dinosaurs — and continued to fight for our rights. Check out what we’ve been working on this month and what work is still to come! We were excited to begin Autism Acceptance Month seeing the White House…

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