Plain Language COVID-19 Resources

Table of Contents

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives a great deal. Information about the virus is not accessible to many people in our community. We need to know about the virus so we can keep ourselves and our communities safe. We’ve made resources about COVID-19 in plain language.

Plain language means that it is easy for many kinds of people to understand. These resources are also available in Spanish.

A Self-Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19

A Self-Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19

Our guide, “A Self-Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19” explains what we know about COVID-19. It talks about what we should do during the pandemic. The guide also covers services and unemployment benefits during the pandemic.

This guide was made in partnership with Green Mountain Self Advocates.

A Self-Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19 (Plain Language)
Una Guía de autodefensa contra COVID-19

COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet

COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet

There are now vaccines for COVID-19. The vaccine will stop people from getting sick with COVID-19. You can learn more about the vaccine in our factsheet. Our factsheet explains how the vaccine will help. It also explains what getting the vaccine will be like. Our factsheet is available in English and Spanish.

COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet

Video: What You Need To Know About COVID-19

Video: What You Need To Know About COVID-19

We also made a video that talks about COVID-19. It explains what COVID-19 is, how it changes our world, and how we can stop the spread of the virus. This video is available in English and Spanish. Click below to watch!

These videos were made in partnership with Rooted in Rights.

These resources were made possible thanks to the generous support of several funders, including the WITH Foundation.

Video: Facts about the COVID-19 Vaccine

Video: Facts about the COVID-19 Vaccine

We also made a video that talks about the COVID-19 vaccine. It explains how the vaccine will help. It also explains what getting the vaccine will be like. This video is available in English and Spanish. Click below to watch!

These resources were made possible thanks to the generous support of several funders, including the WITH Foundation.

Fact sheet and Videos: The Delta Variant and the COVID-19 Vaccine

Fact sheet and Videos: The Delta Variant and the COVID-19 Vaccine

There are now COVID-19 variants, or different kinds of the COVID-19 virus. The Delta variant can spread more easily than the original virus, which is dangerous. That’s why we have released this video and fact sheet about the COVID-19 Delta variant, the Omicron variant, and other variants.

La variante Delta y Las vacunas contra la COVID-19
The Delta Variant and the COVID-19 vaccine

Video in English:

Video in Spanish:

“What you need to know about the Omicron variant and the COVID-19 vaccine” answers questions like:

      • What is the Omicron variant?

      • Will there be other variants?

      • What is a breakthrough case?

      • Does the vaccine still keep me safe?

      • When can we get back to normal?

    And more!

    What you need to know about the Omicron variant and the COVID-19 vaccine (Easy Read)
    Lo que necesitas saber sobre la variante Omicron y la vacuna contra la COVID-19 (Easy Read)

    What you need to know about the Omicron variant and the COVID-19 vaccine (Plain Language)
    Lo que necesitas saber sobre la variante Omicron y la vacuna contra la COVID-19 (Plain Language)

    There is also a video!

    In English:

    In Spanish:

    Fact sheet and Videos: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots

    Fact sheet and Videos: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots

    The COVID-19 vaccines work really well. But their protection goes down over time.  Your body forgets some things that the vaccine taught it. Then, your body isn’t as good at fighting COVID-19. But a booster shot or third dose can help! A booster shot is another dose of the vaccine. It teaches your body again how to fight COVID-19.

    “What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots” – Easy Read, in English
    “Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 y las dosis de refuerzo,” – Easy Read, en Español.
    “What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots” – Plain Language, in English.
    “Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19 y las dosis de refuerzo” – Plain Language,en Español.

    There is also a video!

    In English:

    In Spanish:

    Fact sheet and Videos: Immunocompromised People and the Vaccine

    Fact sheet and Videos: Immunocompromised People and the Vaccine

    Immunocompromised people may not get as much protection from the first two doses. Their bodies might not learn as much from the vaccine. A third dose can give them more protection and teaches their bodies how to better fight off COVID-19. Everybody needs a reminder!

    “Immunocompromised People and the Vaccine” – Easy Read, in English.
    “Personas inmunocomprometidas y la vacuna contra el COVID-19” – Easy Read, en Español.
    “Immunocompromised People and the Vaccine” – Plain Language, In English
    “Personas inmunocomprometidas y la vacuna contra el COVID-19” – Plain Language, En Español

    There is also a video!

    In English:

    In Spanish:

    Why You Need a Second Shot

    “Why you need a second shot” answers questions like:

        • What is a second shot?

        • Why do some vaccines need a second shot?

        • Will I need more shots soon?

        • What’s the difference between a second shot and a booster?

      And more!

      Why You Need a Second Shot (Easy Read)
      ¿Por qué necesitas una segunda inyección? (Easy Read)

      A Plain Language version without accompanying graphics.
      Why You Need a Second Shot (Plain Language)
      ¿Por qué necesitas una segunda inyección? (Plain Language)

      There is also a video!

      In English:

      In Spanish:

      What you need to know about COVID-19 and wearing a mask

      What you need to know about COVID-19 and wearing a mask

      “What you need to know about COVID-19 and wearing a mask” is about the different kinds of masks and why it’s important to wear them. Check it out for answers to questions like:

          • Why should I wear a mask?

          • What are the different types of masks?

          • Can I wear my mask more than one time?

          • How can I make my masks safer?

        And more!

        The factsheet is available in two versions:

        What you need to know about COVID-19 and wearing a mask (Easy Read)
        Lo que necesitas saber sobre la COVID-19 y el uso de las mascarillas (Easy Read)

        What you need to know about COVID-19 and wearing a mask (Plain Language)
        Lo que necesitas saber sobre la COVID-19 y el uso de las mascarillas (Plain Language)

        There is also a video!

        In English:

        In Spanish:

        Fact sheet: What do the CDC’s new COVID-19 Community Levels mean for me?

        Fact sheet: What do the CDC’s new COVID-19 Community Levels mean for me?

        As guidance changes and we continue to learn about COVID-19, it’s important to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over. COVID-19 is still dangerous, and we need to do what we can to protect ourselves and our community. Our newest accessible toolkit is about the new CDC COVID-19 community levels tool and how we can keep each other safe. 

        In this toolkit, we talk about:

            1. What community transmission is and how it affects you.
            2. What the new COVID-19 Community Levels tool is and what the levels mean.
            3. What you can do to stay safer.

          The toolkit is available in two versions:

          The toolkit is available in two versions:
          What do the CDC’s new COVID-19 Community Levels mean for me? (Easy Read)
          ¿Qué significan para mí los nuevos niveles comunitarios de COVID-19 de los CDC? (Easy Read)

          What do the CDC’s new COVID-19 Community Levels mean for me? (Plain Language)
          ¿Qué significan para mí los nuevos niveles comunitarios de COVID-19 de los CDC?

          What you need to know about Long Covid

          What you need to know about Long Covid

          The pandemic is not over, and things are still changing. One thing that remains the same is the need for accessible information about staying safe and adapting to the changes that COVID-19 has brought!

          That’s why we have released videos and fact sheets about new parts of our lives with COVID-19, like Long Covid. This resource answers questions like:

              • What is Long Covid?

              • What should I do if I think I have Long Covid?

              • How can I help someone with Long Covid?

            And more!

            “What you need to know about Long Covid” is available as a fact sheet in plain language and Easy Read.

            What you need to know about Long Covid (Easy Read)
            Lo que necesitas saber sobre la Covid Persistente (Easy Read)

            What you need to know about Long Covid (Plain Language)
            Lo que necesitas saber sobre la Covid Persistente (Plain Language)

            There is also a video!
            In English:

            In Spanish:

            What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccine cards and vaccine mandates

            What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccine cards and vaccine mandates

            The pandemic is not over, and things are still changing. One thing that remains the same is the need for accessible information about staying safe and adapting to the changes that COVID-19 has brought!

            That’s why we have released videos and fact sheets about new parts of our lives with COVID-19, like vaccine cards and vaccine mandates. This resource answers questions like:

                • What is a vaccine mandate?

                • How do I get my vaccine card?

                • Why is a vaccine card important?

              And more!

              “What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccine cards and vaccine mandates” is available as a fact sheet in plain language and Easy Read.

              What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccine cards and vaccine mandates (Easy Read)
              Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19: Tarjetas de vacunación y mandatos de vacunación(Easy Read)

              What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine: Vaccine cards and vaccine mandates (Plain Language)
              Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19: Tarjetas de vacunación y mandatos de vacunación (Plain Language)

              There are also videos!

              In English:

              In Spanish:

              What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children

              What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children

              “What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children” can help you learn about up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine information for children. It answers questions like:

                  • Why is it important for children to get vaccinated?

                  • Can kids mix and match types of vaccine for their new shot?

                  • What are the guidelines for immunocompromised children?

                And more! 

                “What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children” is available as a fact sheet in plain language and Easy Read.

                What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children (Easy Read)

                Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19 para niños (Easy Read)

                What you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines for children (Plain Language)

                Lo que necesitas saber sobre la vacuna contra la COVID-19 para niños (Plain Language)

                There is also a video!

                In English:

                In Spanish:

                What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter?

                What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter?

                “What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter?” can help you learn more about global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination. It answers questions like:

                    • What are COVID-19 vaccine disparities?

                    • What are imperialism and colonialism? Why do they matter today?

                    • What are charity models? Why do they matter in vaccination?

                  “What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter?” is available as a fact sheet in plain language and Easy Read.

                  What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter? (Easy Read)

                  ¿Qué son las desiguldades globales en cuanto a la vacuna contra la COVID-19, y por qué son importantes? (Easy Read)

                  What are global disparities in COVID-19 vaccination and why do they matter? (Plain Language)

                  ¿Qué son las desiguldades globales en cuanto a la vacuna contra la COVID-19, y por qué son importantes? (Plain Language)

                  There is also a video!

                  In English:

                  In Spanish:

                  What you need to know about vaccines

                  What you need to know about vaccines

                  Our new toolkit, “What you need to know about vaccines” can help you learn more about vaccines. It answers questions like:

                      • What is a vaccine? How do vaccines work?

                      • Who should get vaccinated?

                      • What are boosters, and why do some vaccines need them?

                    And more, including explaining what vaccine misinformation is and how to avoid it.

                    “What you need to know about vaccines” is available as a fact sheet in plain language and Easy Read.

                    What you need to know about vaccines (Easy Read)

                    Lo que necesitas saber sobre las vacunas (Easy Read)

                    What you need to know about vaccines (Plain Language)

                    Lo que necesitas saber sobre las vacunas (Plain Language)

                    There is also a video!

                    In English:

                    In Spanish:

                    Other Resources

                    Tuesdays with Liz: #SleeveUp

                    Vax For All – COVID-19 Vaccine: Autism Resources
                    Resources for getting your COVID-19 vaccine, including a social story, vaccine checklist, and pre-visit plan

                    COVID-19 Accessible Resources – Georgia Tech Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation
                    Accessible resources including Braille, screenreader-friendly PDFs, ASL, and Easy to Read information

                    A Self-Advocate’s Guide to COVID-19 – Green Mountain Self-Advocates
                    Plain language toolkit in 9 parts covering everything from basic COVID information to working with support staff and getting pandemic benefits

                    COVID-19 Vaccine Information in Plain Language – Green Mountain Self-Advocates
                    4-page resource with basic information about the COVID-19 vaccine

                    COVID-19 Vaccine Facts for the Developmental Disabilities Community
                    Fact sheet about the COVID-19 vaccine

                    “Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine” Social Story
                    Illustrated social story about getting the COVID-19 vaccine

                    Infographic about COVID-19 Vaccines
                    Scrolling infographic about the different COVID-19 vaccines

                    Myths and Facts About the COVID-19 Vaccine –
                    Explains the truth about vaccine myths

                    Frequently Asked Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine –
                    Provides answers to common questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

                    Easy to Read COVID-19 Safety –
                    Resources using easy-to-understand words and short sentences about different COVID topics.

                    “Care for yourself one small way each day” Fact Sheet –
                    One-page graphic about taking care of your mental health during COVID-19

                    COVID-19 Information for People with Developmental Disabilities –
                    Things people with developmental disabilities should know during COVID

                    “A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is now available” Graphic Novel –
                    2-page comic about the COVID vaccine

                    When Can I Receive My COVID-19 Booster Shot? – Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities
                    Information about when you’ll be eligible for a third vaccine dose

                    Disability Information and Access Line – Administration for Community Living
                    Information about the DIAL hotline which helps people with disabilities get vaccinated