Tell Your Legislators: Protect Medicaid!
Table of Contents Words to Know Budget Reconciliation– A way for Congress to pass some kinds of bills about funding faster. Budget Resolution– A plan for how Congress will spend federal money over the next few years. The budget resolution helps Congress set goals for spending and saving federal money. Congress – The part of…
UPDATED–Tell Your Legislators: Protect Medicaid!
Words to Know Budget Reconciliation– A way for Congress to pass some kinds of bills about funding faster. Budget Resolution– A plan for how Congress will spend federal money over the next few years. The budget resolution helps Congress set goals for spending and saving federal money. Constituents– someone who lives in the place that…
Tell Your Legislators: Protect Medicaid!
Table of Contents Words to Know Budget Reconciliation– A way for Congress to pass some kinds of bills about funding faster. Budget Resolution– A plan for how Congress will spend federal money over the next few years. The budget resolution helps Congress set goals for spending and saving federal money. Congress – The part of…
Take Action on Fair Pay for Disabled Workers with a Public Comment!
Download this explainer as a PDF here. Listen to someone read this explainer out loud here. Words to know 14(c): A part of the Fair Labor Standards Act that says employers can pay disabled people less than minimum wage 14(c) certificate: A piece of paper that says certain employers are allowed to pay their disabled…
ACT NOW to support fair pay and integrated employment for disabled people!
This year, we’ve worked together to push for the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA) to pass. TCIEA (bill number H.R.1263) gives states and employers help to move disabled employees from sheltered workshops to competitive integrated employment opportunities. Competitive integrated employment (CIE) means a job where disabled people are paid a fair wage and…
Take action to support integrated employment for disabled people!
This year, we’ve worked together to push for the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (TCIEA) to pass. TCIEA (bill number H.R.1263) gives states and employers help to move disabled employees from sheltered workshops to competitive integrated employment opportunities. Competitive integrated employment (CIE) means a job where disabled people are paid a fair wage and…
Take action for TCIEA: House Action Alert
As of now, about 39,500 disabled people are paid less than minimum wage. About 88% of that group are in segregated workplaces. Segregation is when laws or rules keep different groups of people apart. Many disabled people don’t get to work with non-disabled people. Or, if they do work together, non-disabled people are the bosses…
Take action for TCIEA: Senate Action Alert
Disabled people deserve to work at the same places and for the same pay as nondisabled people. This isn’t news — but in 2024, some of us are still being paid less than the minimum wage in segregated workplaces. This is called subminimum wage, and it most commonly happens in sheltered workshops. It is discrimination,…
Action Alert: URGENT #StopTheShock Phone Action — Call Now!
UPDATE: Yesterday (June 11th), the House Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies subcommittee passed a draft bill. If this bill becomes law, it would stop the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from banning the electric shock devices used at the Judge Rotenberg Center. You can read more about the draft bill…
Share your thoughts on autism research with the IACC!
Submitting public comments is an important way for self-advocates to make our needs and priorities known when it comes to public policy. This month, there is an important opportunity to make your thoughts on autism research heard! Before February 14, 2024 submit your public comments to the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) about autism research….
ACTION ALERT: Take Action on Fair Pay for Disabled Workers!
Updated 11/6 It is still legal to pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage. We need your help to change that! People with disabilities deserve equal pay for the work that we do. It shouldn’t be legal to pay disabled people less money just because we are disabled. The Department of Labor (DOL) is…