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Remarks on the Murder of George Hodgins
Last week, George Hodgins, an autistic adult living in Sunnyvale, CA, was murdered by his own mother. In the aftermath of his death, much of the public discussion surrounding his…

Autism Acceptance Events and Their History
by Meg Evans The United Nations designated April 2, 2008, as World Autism Day to raise awareness of the need to improve education, career opportunities, and community services and…

New Look, Same Values.
by Ari Ne’eman As you’ve most likely noticed by now, ASAN has recently unveiled a new website with a new look. We’re excited to share with you the new…

Deadline for ACI Summer Institute Approaches
by Melody Latimer Over the past few weeks, we’ve received an extraordinary response to our upcoming Autism Campus Inclusion Summer Leadership program. We’ve heard from students all over North…

Take Action: Help Us Mourn Murders of Disabled People
Dear friends, On March 6th, 2012 George Hodgins, a 22-year old autistic man living in Sunnyvale, California, was murdered by his mother. In the aftermath of his killing, I and…

Loud Hands Project Update
We did it! After 80 days, several interviews, too many tumblr posts, an ambitious blog carnival, hundreds of shared facebook updates and tweets, thousands of emails to families, friends, coworkers,…

Join Us For Your Local Vigil – March 30th
Most of you received Zoe’s moving e-mail message last week, announcing March 30th as a national day of mourning for George Hodgins, Tracy Latimer and other disabled people murdered by…

Workplace Interpersonal Skills
by Kate Gladstone As I was heading homeward on the bus at 6:03, I overheard two people, and they were discussing me: My workplace supervisor, Ann, complaining to her…

From the Pro-Neurodiversity Trenches
by Paula C. Durbin-Westby Early intervention and treatment is important! If caught early enough, negative attitudes toward autism and other disabilities can be minimized and even reversed! Read more…