
Candles (photo by Steve Silberman)

Take Action: Help Us Mourn Murders of Disabled People

By Zoe Gross. On March 6th, 2012 George Hodgins, a 22-year old autistic man living in Sunnyvale, California, was murdered by his mother. This past Friday, I helped organize a vigil for George and other disabled people killed by their family members. We’re calling for volunteers to organize vigils in their local communities on or around March 30th.

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Autism NOW Center Seeks Input

The Autism NOW National Resource and Information Center has created a survey to find out what people think about values and ethics as they relate to autism, developmental and intellectual disabilities. The survey is part of a process to create a Core Values Statement for the Autism NOW Center.

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True Dawn

An essay by Stephanie Allen Crist. Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It’s a time to look back, and remember those who have sacrificed to make this country a place to be free. Instead, I look ahead and ask myself if it is freedom that I see. There’s something on the edge of thought—a feeling to be written of that isn’t quite ready to come out, not quite ready to be exposed. Frustration is there, and so is disappointment. All swirled together with a steady, flat kind of hope.

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When Is a Disability Not a Disability? Autism Speaks Has the Answer

An article by Paula C. Durbin-Westby. When a person has a disability that person is still a person. That person with a disability has a body, and a mind. That person with a disability has needs, concerns, desires, a personal history, a context of family, friends, and community relations. A person who has a disability has all the legal and civil rights of personhood (or should).

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CNN Newsroom Interview

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman appeared as a guest on CNN Newsroom to discuss his appointment to the National Council on Disability. Read the transcript by clicking…

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