Comments at October 23, 2009 IACC Meeting

Information about Services Needed: Research into causes, biomarkers, prevention, etc. will not help people who are alive today and need evidence-based information about services and supports. Recent research and initiatives in the United Kingdom can provide a model for services-oriented research and also research into adult issues.

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Comments at May 4, 2009 IACC Meeting

Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Since communication difficulties are experienced by many, if not most, people on the autism spectrum, funding research in this area should be a high priority. Advances in communication technology, and the development of AAC options that are affordable, will have a practical application to the lives of people on the autism spectrum, throughout the entire lifespan.

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Comments at February 4, 2009 IACC Meeting

Shift in Focus Recommended: Research should address the domains measured by the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument. The research agenda should respect the wishes of autistic individuals and their families, many of whom have written in response to Requests for Information.

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Comments at January 14, 2009 IACC Meeting

Causation and Cure Focus Excessive: These priorities are out of step with the needs and desires of the autistic community. In the year 2008, only approximately 1% of the NIMH autism research budget was allocated to services research.

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Comments at November 21, 2008 IACC Meeting

Expanding Focus on Whole Individual: While NIMH and the IACC are obviously not first and foremost service-delivery organizations, the goal of all scientific research into any disabling conditions should ultimately be the application of that research to real-life situations in ways that directly benefit the subjects of that research.

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Joint Comment on the IACC Draft Strategic Plan 2008

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network and several other disability rights organizations submitted a joint comment calling for the inclusion of autistic adults in all aspects of IACC’s decision-making process, research topic selection, research design and research implementation.

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IACC Services & Support Comments: Background & Talking Points

Input from Autistic Adults Needed: Public comments on autism services and support can help to shape the priorities of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) in allocating research funds. ASAN has prepared background information and talking points for those who wish to comment.

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Comments at May 12, 2008 IACC Meeting

Advantages of Community-Based Participatory Research: With community-based research, members of the community being studied are full participants at every stage of the research process. Funding should be allocated to research that will have practical applications for autistic people and our families.

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Comments at March 14, 2008 IACC Meeting

Communication and Quality of Life Research Should Be Prioritized: The media portray the autism spectrum as something new only existing amongst children. Yet, the adult population continues to lack needed support and awareness.

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Comments at November 30, 2007 IACC Meeting

IACC Urged to Pursue New Direction: We live in a society where the lives and opinions of individuals with disabilities are viewed as less valuable and less deserving of basic human respect than those of other citizens. The IACC must break with that mindset and we encourage the Committee to pursue a new direction in autism research to maximize quality of life and opportunity for every person on the autism spectrum…

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