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Additional Internships Available with Freddie Mac

With our first round of internships underway, ASAN now seeks additional Autistic applicants to intern with Freddie Mac for the summer of 2012. We are very excited to see that our first interns are on their way with great support by their managers and human resources at Freddie Mac.

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Happy Holidays from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network

From our Navigating College handbook to our Symposium with Harvard Law School on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Autism Research, this has been an exciting year for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. We celebrated our fifth anniversary, engaged in advocacy on critical issues

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ASAN and Freddie Mac Looking for Interns on the Autism Spectrum

Freddie Mac, a leading mortgage finance company, is offering internships for recent college graduates on the autism spectrum. ASAN will be working with Freddie Mac to provide employer training on accommodation needs and recruiting qualified applicants. We are looking for resumes with the following qualifications

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Pile of resumes on a desk with a pen on top of them

ASAN Calls for Resumes from Autistic People

Several large American corporations have communicated with ASAN expressing interest in hiring Autistic applicants through diversity programs, and we often learn of jobs in the government, non-profit, advocacy and public policy sectors for which we would like to recommend adults on the spectrum.

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