Inclusion & Acceptance

Several version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Joint ASAN-Autism Society Statement on DSM-5

One of the key principles of the medical profession has always been, “First, do no harm.” As such, it is essential that the DSM-5’s criteria ensure that those who have or would have qualified for a diagnosis under the DSM-IV maintain access to an ASD diagnosis.

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A woman holding a sign that says "The Loud Hands Project"

The Loud Hands Project

The Loud Hands Project, a publishing effort by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, is working towards the creation of our first and foundational anthology and accompanying website. “Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking” features essays, long and short, by Autistic authors

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photo of a hand holding a pen over a piece of paper filled with typing

Grant reviewers needed

In response to our Symposium on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Autism Research, funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, several key federal funders have offered to work with ASAN to identify Autistic adults and other people with disabilities interested in serving on forthcoming federal grant review panels.

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What I need and want

Alicia Lile says: I want to be loved and accepted. I wish others to tell me that it’s wonderful that I was born. I feel guilty of existing, tell me I am wrong.

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True Dawn

An essay by Stephanie Allen Crist. Today is Memorial Day in the United States. It’s a time to look back, and remember those who have sacrificed to make this country a place to be free. Instead, I look ahead and ask myself if it is freedom that I see. There’s something on the edge of thought—a feeling to be written of that isn’t quite ready to come out, not quite ready to be exposed. Frustration is there, and so is disappointment. All swirled together with a steady, flat kind of hope.

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When Is a Disability Not a Disability? Autism Speaks Has the Answer

An article by Paula C. Durbin-Westby. When a person has a disability that person is still a person. That person with a disability has a body, and a mind. That person with a disability has needs, concerns, desires, a personal history, a context of family, friends, and community relations. A person who has a disability has all the legal and civil rights of personhood (or should).

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Autistic Adult Community Condemns PBS NewsHour for Ignorant Remarks

PBS NewsHour’s program about autism dismisses adults’ needs: In addressing why the Autistic community was not invited to participate, Robert MacNeil claimed that issues facing Autistic adults were not “an urgent issue” and not important enough to merit coverage. ASAN has issued a press release condemning his ignorant statements.

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Cafe Press: Advocacy Success

Cafe Press responds to concerns: Cafe Press has agreed to allow shop owners who sell autism-related products to opt out of the April 2011 fundraiser, has created a survey asking where funds should be donated, and has informed us that it will provide a survey next year.

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