🐋 ASAN August Update 🐋
ASAN August Newsletter Dear friend, We’ve been busy this month diving into policy and preparing for the work to come. Check out what we’ve been working on this month! This month sailed by in a flash, and we’re grateful to everyone who joined us for our Whale Acoustics event! In honor of our Whale Well…
🏖️ ASAN July Update 🏖️
ASAN July Newsletter Dear friend, July has been a busy month at ASAN, which makes sense. Our favorite way to celebrate Disability Pride Month is through continued advocacy! Check out what we’ve been up to. We welcomed the removal of Section 722 from the Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations…
☀️ ASAN June Update ☀️
ASAN June Newsletter Dear friend, Between LGBTQ Pride Month, Autistic Pride Day, and the Olmstead Anniversary, we always have a lot to celebrate every June. Check out what we’ve been up to this month and what we’re working towards! This month, we’ve continued our work to #StopTheShock. There is currently a bill in the House…